Agenda item

Task Groups - Progress Reports

To consider progress to date on the current reviews against the terms set by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


The current reviews in progress are:


a)        Provision of Support Networks for the LGBT Community Task Group – Chair, Councillor Joe Baker.


 (Oral reports)


Provision of Support Networks for the LGBT Community – Chair, Councillor Joe Baker


Councillor Baker informed Members that he had attended the LGBT History Month event held at the Library and reported that he had been disappointed in the event.  He expressed concern that it had consisted of a great deal of negative information, such as Hate Crime and Sexual Health information, rather than concentrating on the history of the community and giving example of positive role models.  Councillor Baker explained that he was keen to ensure that this was not seen as a reflection of the officers who had put a great amount of effort into the event, but that it was something which should be considered in the future.  Councillor Baker explained that he would be writing to the Chief Executive to express his disappointment.


Members commented that this could be regarded as a missed opportunity to celebrate the diversity of Redditch and the Council should learn from this experience and ensure that future events were more successful.  Officers suggested that it might be appropriate in future years for the LGBT Community and for elected Councillors to be invited to contribute and assist with the organisation of the event.


In respect of the Task Group, Councillor Baker report that they had interviewed Inspector Rebecca Love and Superintendent Jim Baker from West Mercia Police at its last meeting.  The group had been impressed by the passion and understanding that the Police Officers seemed to have in order to meet the needs of LGBT victims of hate crimes and incidents.  The group also welcomed the fact that such senior representatives of the police force had been willing to attend the interview and believed that this was the first time a Superintendent had attended a scrutiny meeting in Redditch.  Councillor Baker and the group felt that this representation demonstrated that the police took the subject extremely seriously.


Unfortunately, Councillor Baker informed Members that at some of the group’s meetings evidence had been received which suggested that some members of the LGBT community felt reluctant to report hate crimes or incidents to the police for a variety of reasons and there appeared to be under reporting of homophobic and transphobic hate crimes and incidents as a consequence.  It was hoped that the turnout of the senior police officers at the meeting would help to demonstrate to the local LGBT community that the local police force were committed to investigating homophobic and transphobic hate crimes and incidents that were reported to them.  The LGBT community were therefore urged to have the confidence to approach the police if they experience any form of homophobic or transphobic abuse.  The group had also been interested to learn that the police were keen to engage more actively with the LGBT community.  This has been a challenge in the past as there had been no established LGBT group in the Borough.


Councillor Baker advised that at the following meeting the group was due to interview Officers about opportunities for the LGBT community to participate in sports and the arts.  Members were also hoping to visit LGBT support groups based in Birmingham as well as to consult with representatives of Stonewall.




the update report be noted.