Agenda item

Provision of Support Networks for the LGBT Community Task Group - Final Report

To consider the findings of the Provision of Support Networks for the LGBT Community Task Group and to determine whether to support the group’s recommendations.


(Report attached, presentation to follow)


The Chair invited the Chair of the Task Group, Councillor Joe Baker, to present the Provision of Support Networks for the LGBT Community Task Group’s final report to the Committee.  Councillor Baker provided information which highlighted the relevance of the Task Group at a local level, as the data detailed within the report referred to issues nationally.  He also gave the Members of the Task Group who were present, Councillors Natalie Brookes and Gay Hopkins, the opportunity to share with the Committee what the work of the Group had meant to them.


During the presentation Councillor Baker highlighted each recommendation and provided background information as to why each was appropriate and the positive results which could be achieved from their implementation.  A display had also been provided by the group as an example of the positive aspects that could be incorporated into any future LGBT History month, as detailed in recommendation 3.  Councillor Baker acknowledged the valuable contribution of the partners who had helped to organise the event in 2015 and praised them for making arrangements under difficult circumstances.  However, in future years it was suggested that the event should be used as an opportunity to celebrate the LGBT community as well as to provide guidance and support to Members of the community where needed.


Following the presentation Councillor Baker responded to questions from Members in respect of the following:


·         Training for frontline staff to ensure they had a better understanding of the problems faced by members of the LGBT community.

·         The Stonewall Education Equality Index and work which was already being carried out within some schools in the Borough, including the work carried out by the Community Safety team.

·         The production of a leaflet to advertise support networks for the LGBT community living locally and the option for this to be sponsored to assist with the cost. 

·         The use of County Councillors’ divisional funds and the option for the LGBT Support Services Redditch to apply for grant funding from both the Council and the national lottery.

·         Whether ethnic groups had also been consulted as part of the group’s investigation.

·         The promotion of the health and wellbeing implications and the importance of raising awareness of the support and assistance that was already available.


Councillor Baker thanked his fellow Members of the group for their hard work and support in producing this report, with thanks also to the Democratic Services Officer.


The Chair in turn thanked the group for an excellent report and presentation which had provided Members with some useful information and insight into the LGBT community and the problems its members faced on a daily basis.




1)    Redditch Borough Council should participate in the Stonewall Workplace Equality Index every year;


2)    Worcestershire County Council should take part in the Stonewall Education Equality Index.


Worcestershire County Council should also encourage schools to take part in the Stonewall School Champions Programme and / or to use the Birmingham LGBT Schools Toolkit;


3)    there should be a greater celebration of the positive history of the LGBT community during the annual LGBT History Month celebrations with a focus on the specific theme in each given year.  This should include holding events at the Palace Theatre;

a)    in the long-term Redditch Borough Council should commit to introducing a budget to support LGBT History Month;


4)    a leaflet advertising the support networks available for the LGBT community in Redditch, should be produced. 


a)    Redditch Borough Council should support any groups that produce this literature by allowing such leaflets to be made available for residents to collect in public venues, such as Redditch Town Hall, and making this information available to view on relevant web pages of the Council’s website;


5)    the specific mental health needs of the LGBT community should be addressed in equalities training provided to frontline Council staff.  This should be covered in one of the equalities briefing sessions that the policy team is due to deliver in forthcoming months; and


6)    local partners should help to promote the following to members of the LGBT community, including on the Redditch and Bromsgrove Wellbeing website:

a)    gay and bisexual men are eligible for free Hepatitis B vaccinations available at the Arrowside Sexual Health Clinic;

b)   lesbian and bisexual women are entitled and should be encouraged to attend cervical screening tests.


Supporting documents: