Agenda item

Overview and Scrutiny Training - Feedback Report

To consider feedback from the Overview and Scrutiny training that took place on 31st May and to determine whether to add any suggested items for scrutiny to the Committee’s Work Programme.


(Report attached)


The Chair thanked those Members who had attended the training session on 31st May and advised that it had been both constructive and worthwhile with a number of key areas being discussed.  These had been detailed in the additional papers pack and the Chair proposed that she would go through these whilst providing her thoughts on particular areas, allowing Members to also give their views in deciding which to include within the Committee’s work programme.  It was explained that Members had been split into two groups during the work programme planning exercise and it was noted that a number of the areas discussed within each group had been very similar.


Idea 1 – Promoting Redditch


A task group had been carried out a number of years ago which had concentrated on promoting Redditch as a tourist destination.  It was suggested, from the discussions which had taken place at the training event that a further review would concentrate on promoting Redditch as a business centre and how it could have a positive impact on both the employment and future training needs of young people in the Borough.  In this regard, Ideas 9 (Encouraging Business to come to Redditch) and 10 (Ensuring the Young People of Redditch meet the employment needs of the Borough) could be included within the group’s remit, with a view to a full Task Group being established and not the Short Sharp Review suggested.  Members were keen to ensure that young people were equipped with the right skills needed by employers in the Borough and that a review should be linked with both schools and the local college.


Officers informed the Committee that a scoping document would need to be prepared if this item were to be included within its work programme.  Following discussion it was agreed that Councillor Paul Swansborough would take a lead on this and arrange to meet with Officers to prepare a scoping document for future consideration by the Committee.


Idea 2 – Mental Health


Members discussed whether this needed to be discussed as part of the overarching health issues or whether it needed to be looked at in isolation. (It was noted with some concern that residents had a shorter life expectancy by 8 years compared to other parts of Worcestershire).  It was recognised that currently mental health was something which was receiving attention and a Task Group could take the opportunity to continue that high profile and ensure that it remained at the forefront of the health agenda.


There was concern that it was such a large subject that any investigation may not be able to do it justice.  Members therefore discussed whether to, for example, concentrate on a particular age group, as it was noted that young men under age 25 had one of the highest suicide rates.  Concerns were also raised that this may be an area which was more appropriate to be dealt with by the County Council and whether the Committee could have any constructive impact on the issue. 


The Chair informed Members that lower level mental health problems, had been something which had been raised when she had recently attended a Corporate Management Team meeting.  They had raised concerns about the impact this had on the work of the Council, for example in dealing the customers in respect of revenue and benefit payments. 


Councillor Nina Wood-Ford had showed a particular interest in this area and was also the Council’s representative on the Worcestershire Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee.  It was agreed that she would meet with Officers to discuss the preparation of a scoping document for consideration at the next meeting of the Committee.


Idea 3 – Working in a Two Tier Authority Area


It was agreed that as there were County Council elections due to take place in May 2017 this was an area which was not currently suitable for scrutiny, but might be in the future.


Idea 4 - The Council’s Corporate Plan


Members agreed that it would be useful to have a presentation in respect of this at the July meeting, in order to establish the areas that it covered and whether the Committee could make a useful contribution towards its content.


Idea 6 – Dangerous Driving and Idea 7 Protecting Pets


Whilst it was appreciated that these were areas of concern it was felt that the Committee would have limited powers to make a significant impact on them and therefore agreed to take no further action.


Idea 8 – Community Engagement


It was agreed that no further action would be taken on this topic.


Idea 9 – Encouraging Businesses to come to Redditch and Idea 10 – Ensuring Young People of Redditch meet the employment needs of the Borough


As previously agreed these areas would be included within Idea 1 above.


Idea 11 – Joint Strategic Needs Assessment


Whilst it was understood that this was a countywide document, work could be done to breakdown the information to be Redditch specific.  Following discussion Members agreed that it would be useful to receive a presentation which included that Redditch specific detail in order to establish whether further scrutiny from the Committee was needed in respect of those areas.


Idea 12 – Sustainability and Transfer Plan


It was agreed that it would be useful to receive a presentation which provided detail about what this covered and whether the Committee was able to make constructive feedback on its content.


Idea 13 – Disabled People’s Access to Employment


Before taking this matter further it was agreed that a presentation should be received by the Committee in order to establish what opportunities were available in the Borough.




the Overview and Scrutiny Committee’s work programme be amended to take into account the areas covered in the preamble above.


Supporting documents: