Agenda item

Task Group Reviews - Draft Scoping Documents

To consider any scoping documents provided for possible Overview and Scrutiny review and to determine whether to launch that review.

A completed scoping document has been submitted in relation to the following subject:

·                Homelessness

(Scoping document attached)



The Chair invited Councillor Joe Baker to present a scoping document detailing the draft terms of reference for a proposed review of homelessness in the Borough.


Councillor Baker explained that there appeared to have been an increase in the number of homeless people on the streets of Redditch.  This had led to an increase in the number of residents raising their own concerns with him.  He suggested it would be appropriate to hold a scrutiny Task Group into the issue to look at all aspects of it, as there were a variety of causes and it was important to ensure that preventative work was being carried out.  Councillor Baker believed that there were a lot of myths around the problems homeless people caused and he suggested that recent publicity which had been issued on this subject locally was not helpful.  A review would provide an opportunity to get a clear view of the support available and preventative work that was carried out by both the Council and other agencies.


It was highlighted that the Council had carried out an investigation into Homelessness in 2006 and that Bromsgrove District Council had more recently investigated the issue in 2016.  Whilst it was acknowledged that Bromsgrove District Council’s report would be useful background information, Councillor Baker commented that the demographics were different so this would not be a sufficient reason for this Committee not to carry out a review.   He also suggested that enough time had passed since the previous review of this subject in Redditch to ensure that a fresh investigation of homelessness would not result in duplication.


The Committee subsequently discussed the recent work of the Redditch Town Centre Partnership in respect of homelessness.  Members noted that a local church was carrying out work to support a number of homeless people.  It was suggested that there was a need to get a balance between those that chose to make this a lifestyle choice and those that found they were homeless and wanted support to change their circumstances.  A review would help to provide a clearer picture of the whole situation and to ensure that work was not being duplicated.


Members discussed and raised some concerns that whilst this was an important issue worthy of scrutiny it was also complicated and wide reaching.  Questions were raised as to whether the scoping document was too broad to allow for successful scrutiny to be carried out.  There were also a number of legislative changes in respect of homelessness due to be implemented later in the year which would impact on the situation and it was suggested that it might be more appropriate to carry out the investigation once these had been implemented.  Whilst this was accepted Members believed that as it was a current issue time was of the essence and carrying out a review would show that the Council was listening to residents and taking action to resolve the situation.  The option of a Short Sharp Review being carried out over a three month period with the potential for further work to be carried out following an interim report was also discussed.


The extent to which homelessness was a major issue within Redditch was debated and whilst it was agreed that it was not a major problem a review of the subject was still considered to be valid.  In respect of the recent publicity from the Council Officers explained that this had been a multi- agency approach to raise the profile of a particular group who had heightened media attention and to deal with enquiries received in respect of that situation.


Anecdotal evidence was discussed by Members in relation to various groups around the Borough who supported the homeless and those in situations which might lead to it.  Concerns were also raised as to the impact of benefit changes.


Following further discussions and agreement that any work carried out in respect of the review would commence in the new municipal year it was




1)        a Short Sharp Review in respect of Homelessness be launched in line with the scoping document; and


2)        Councillor Joe Baker be appointed as Chair of the above Short Sharp Review.

Supporting documents: