Agenda item

Employment and skills, specifically for people with disabilities - Presentations

To receive a presentation providing information about employment and skills, specifically for people with disabilities, in the Borough of Redditch.


(Presentations to follow)


The Chair reminded Members that this matter had arisen following the work planning exercise which had taken place earlier in the year.  She welcomed Andy Bywater, Employment and Skills Officer for North Worcestershire Economic Development and Regeneration, together with Duncan Campbell, the Employer and Partnership Manager, Worcestershire Department of Works and Pensions (DWP), who each gave a presentation in respect of employment opportunities for people with disabilities (see Appendices 1 and 2 attached).


Following the presentations Mr Bywater and Mr Campbell responded to a number of questions and observations made by Members in respect of the following:


·                How the cutbacks affected the DWP and the delivery of its services.  The DWP’s services had been streamlined with staff receiving training in order to be able to deal with a number of different areas, rather than specialising in one area.  They also worked more closely with partner organisations.

·                The shortage of people working within the construction industry.  Information had been provided by the Greater Birmingham and Solihull LEP and was not specific to Redditch.

·                The shortage of appropriate premises both for those businesses wishing to start up and expand and across all areas of business.  This was not problem specific to Redditch as there was a similar situation in the Bromsgrove district.

·                European funding; this was guaranteed for two years by the Treasury, though there was uncertainty about the position after that period.

·                Whether it was more difficult for a smaller business to employ someone with a disability.  Members were advised that this was the perception, but that there were a number of funding streams available to support any specialist equipment for example that may be needed.  It was acknowledged that the availability of such funding needed to be promoted to businesses.

·                Whether the unemployment figures included those with a disability.  The figures related to those who were in receipt of Job Seekers Allowance (JSA) and did not differentiate between those with a disability.

·                Communicating all the services available to those that were eligible.  There needed to be improvements made within Worcestershire.  It was important that the households that could access all the services available were aware of them at the earliest stage.

·                The introduction of Universal Credit. This new system gave people much more flexibility in being able to work without having a negative impact on benefits which they were in receipt of, as these could be adjusted dependent upon the number of hours being worked.

·                Difficulties for some people with a disability being able to access suitable transport to get to work.  Members were informed that with the new scheme there was an opportunity for both the employer and claimant to access funding which could be used for transport to and from work.

·                The assessments which were carried out to see whether someone was able to work.  The aim was to work with the claimant to ensure that the decision reached was right for all those concerned.  This would include assessing what type of work and the number of hours would be most suitable.  The DWP actively encouraged either support workers or family members to attend with claimants, as it was important that the right outcome was reached.  A re-assessment would be carried out if it became apparent that the original decision was not working for either the employer or the claimant.


The Chair thanked Mr Bywater and Mr Campbell for their presentations and agreed that it was encouraging to see that there was a lot of support and opportunities available for those with a disability. 




the presentations in respect of employment opportunities for people with disabilities be noted.