Agenda item

Strategic Intervention Update


Members received a report which updated them on the Strategic Intervention work that had been undertaken within Cultural and Leisure Services in relation to the Council’s ‘Provide good things for me to see, do and visit’ strategic purpose, and which set out proposals for the next steps with this.  As detailed under Leader’s Announcements, it was noted that the Overview and Scrutiny (O&S) Committee had, on 4th July, received a detailed presentation from Officers on this work and the report before Members.  Following consideration of this O&S had opted to note the contents of the report and presentation, and had not forwarded any alternative recommendations for the Executive Committee’s consideration.


Officers presented the report and highlighted the three options detailed for delivery of Leisure and Cultural Services across the Borough, namely:


·       Continued In-House Management and Delivery;

·       Creation of In-House Trust/Company (a ‘Teckal’); or

·       Outsourcing to the Market.


Whilst Officers had carried out a large amount of work over the preceding 18 months in identifying and delivering ways to reduce costs of the leisure provision, further work was needed prior to any final decisions being made by Members.  Officers advised that one of the key gaps in information related to what the public wanted and needed facilities-wise, and what would work best for the local community.  Further work was to be undertaken in relation to the Palace Theatre and the Council’s Reddicard/concessions policy, with partnership working also needing to be looked into.  It was proposed that a final options report be presented to the Executive Committee on 31st October 2017, which would also identify any funding shortfalls and options for meeting any financial gaps. 


Members were pleased to note that all options detailed in the report would be fully explored prior to any final decisions being made, with the future viability of any options being of paramount importance.  It was also noted that the funding which had previously been set aside by the Council to facilitate this work would cover any costs involved with this.


Following consideration of the update report it was


RESOLVED that Officers:


1)          undertake survey work with residents to understand why members of the community do not use the Council’s facilities and identify services that would encourage more use;


2)          undertake a feasibility study of the Palace Theatre to establish the cost benefit of altering the venue to provide more seating and improved access to the Box Office, this to include the benefits of retaining VAT on the cultural income;


3)          undertake a review of the Council’s Reddicard/concessions policy to ensure this best meets the needs of the vulnerable members of the community;


4)          undertake soft market testing with external providers to understand future provision with reference to community activities and influence;


5)          provide a detailed external feasibility study of the options available for both in-house company and external market appraisal; and


6)          present an options report back to the Executive Committee on 31st October 2017 to include a comprehensive appraisal on each of the three options; maintain in-house provision, establish an in-house delivery model or outsource to an external company.


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