Agenda item

Redditch Borough Council Garden Waste Service


Members considered a report on the proposed introduction of a seasonal (March to November inclusive) garden waste service for the town.  Officers presented the report and gave a presentation to Members on the key elements of the service, in particular on the financial elements of this, and responded to Members’ questions in this regard.  As detailed under Leader’s Announcements it was noted that the Overview and Scrutiny Committee had pre-scrutinised this report on 7th September 2017 and had unanimously endorsed all of the report recommendations.


It was noted that the results of two surveys undertaken by Officers showed that there was demand for the service, with 72% of 1000 social media and postal respondents being in favour of this.  In relation to the Map of consultation responses included in the agenda papers, Officers clarified that whilst Feckenham was covered by the proposed service, and had been included in the consultation process, no responses had been received from any Feckenham residents. 


In view of the survey responses, together with the fact that there was no longer any financial risk to the Council, and given that the environmental impact was now reported to be significantly different (reduced) to when a garden waste service had previously been considered by the Council in 2010, Members felt that the time was now right for the service to be introduced.  Members also noted that notwithstanding the introduction of a garden waste service, both they and Officers fully advocated the composting of garden waste at home where possible, and would endeavour to encourage residents to do this.




1)          from March 2018 Redditch Borough Council introduce, and Bromsgrove District Council run as part of the shared services agreement for Environmental services, a seasonal (March to November inclusive) garden waste service on behalf of Redditch Borough Council;


2)          the charge for the service be £45 for the initial season, to be increased in line with fees and charges as appropriate;


3)          a set-up fee of £20 per customer be charged in the first year of service and for new customers in each following year;


4)          an introductory offer of a £10 set-up fee be used to encourage early sign-up before the 31st January 2018;


5)          the Head of Environmental Services, in consultation with the designated Portfolio Holder, be granted authority to temporarily reduce or remove the set-up fee as a promotional tool to increase and encourage subscriptions;


6)          should the Recommended Option be pursued, a capital commitment for the next 4 years of £31k in year 1 and £15k in years 2 to 4 be included in the Capital Programme;


7)          once the maximum number of customers has been approached a customer waiting list be employed and Officers bring a further report and business case with options for extending the service should it be required;


8)          the chargeable Orange Sack Service be formally retired as part of the new service changes; and


9)          a communication plan be devised and implemented to advise residents of the changes to Redditch Borough Council’s waste collection service and the requirement to use brown bins only for garden waste.


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