Agenda item

Safeguarding and Early Help - Worcestershire County Council Update


The Group Manager for Safeguarding Services and the Interim Assistant Director of Early Help and Commissioning for Worcestershire County Council presented a report in respect of Safeguarding and Early Help.


It was reported that Worcestershire Children’s Services were the subject of a full Safeguarding Inspection undertaken in October, 2018 by Ofsted, and subsequently had been subject to regular monitoring visits in order to assess progress.


A summary of the inspections was highlighted in the report together with areas for development.   These highlighted some of the significant challenges faced in the services provided to children and young people in Worcestershire, particularly those who were looked after.


Whilst it was acknowledged that progress had been made in improving services for children and young people, it was recognised that further work was required to ensure that the voice of the child was heard and services were making a difference to their lives. The key issues identified were as follows:


·         There was evidence that information was not being shared across all partner agencies in a timely manner.

·         Children’s voices were not being heard at an early stage, which was needed in order for them to receive the right services at the right time.

·         Children that had been removed were not recognised on the Child Protection Plan.

·         There was drift and delays in respect of the child’s outcome.


It was noted that the next monitoring visit was scheduled to take place on 2nd and 3rd October, 2018.  These visits would focus on the Family Front Door and relevant Partnerships. A further Ofsted inspection and peer review was also scheduled to take place the following year.


Members requested assurance that the service would not relapse into being inadequate and would be sustainable. Arising from Members’ questions, the following points were addressed:


·         There was a clear plan in place to address the issues and good improvement continued across the whole of the service, including a good after care service.

·         There was strong leadership, commitment and clear decision making in place.

·         During the transition, Worcestershire County Council would continue to challenge staff and constantly strive to improve the effectiveness of agencies’ work to safeguard children and young people.

·         It was important to ensure that children and young people’s voices were heard and they received the right services at the right time.

·         Worcestershire County Council would monitor and scrutinise progress to ensure that there was effective coordination of understanding and activity across the partnership.


The Committee commented on the open and transparent approach adopted by Worcestershire County Council.  To address these problems robust action was being taken by the senior leadership team to improve safeguarding arrangements and working practices.  Members thanked Worcestershire County Council for the improvements that had been made. 


The Committee was informed that Worcestershire County Council was working with elected Members through the Corporate Parenting Board and Scrutiny Panel so that they had better oversight and understanding of the journey of children and young people.  It was acknowledged that engagement with Members had to be improved in relation to raising awareness of their corporate parenting role. 


Members were informed that Worcestershire County Council had agreed an Alternative Delivery Model (ADM) for Children’s Social Care Services. The name of the company "Worcestershire Children First" was also approved by Cabinet.


The proposed change to a wholly owned Council company for children's social care would be implemented on 1st October, 2019. This would allow the priority to remain on improving services and outcomes for children and young people. The full range of actions which underpinned the completion of key milestones had been categorised into 13 interrelated workstreams.


Members questioned how Worcestershire Council County would ensure that children and young people were kept safe from harm and who were at risk of exploitation. Members were informed that regular feedback from children and young people and quarterly reports were shared across Children’s Services. There was good engagement with missing children and young people through welfare interviews.


Worcestershire County Council acknowledged that there were significant pressures on the budget and resources which could have implications for services.




the Worcestershire County Council update on Safeguarding and Early Help be noted.


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