Decision details

Initial Estimates

Decision Maker: Executive, Council

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


To approve the Initial Estimates for 2010/11 and Forecasts for 2011/12 and 2012/13.





1)         the Initial Estimates for 2010/11 be approved;


2)         the Revenue Bids categorised as unavoidable and high detailed in Appendix 14 be approved , as follows: 


2010/11                                      £279,210

2011/12                                      £  98,210

2012/13                                      £  97,210


3)         The General Fund bids for capital resources categorised as high set out in Appendix 15 be approved, as follows:


2010/11                                      £325,000

2011/12                                      £165,000

2012/13                                      £845,000;


together with the associated revenue implications as follows:


2010/11                                      £  6,500

2011/12                                      £54,200

2012/13                                      £96,400

Future years £188,800;


4)         the proposal for how the Further Support for Town Centre Grant is utilised as set out in Appendix 18 be approved;


5)         the bids as recommended by Overview and Scrutiny Committee be approved as follows:


a)                 2nd December 2009 Redditch Matters to be published quarterly.  Cost of an additional edition £6,000;


6)         the bid for Church Hill District Centre Redevelopment for £60,000 2010/11 which was approved in principle at Council on 7th December 2009, be approved;


7)         that any Direct Action - Enforcement expenditure be funded from balances, pending recovery from the third party, and officers report back to Members on the success of any recovery action;

8)         that any bids not approved at this stage be brought back to this Committee for reconsideration once the outturn position for 2009/10 is known and

9)         the bid of £6,000 for the repair and maintenance of street lighting be included in the Initial Estimates 2010/11.

(Officers to write, in the first instance, to Worcestershire County Council highlighting the increasing pressure on the Council’s budgets for staff pensions.)

Report author: Head of Finance and Resources

Publication date: 08/02/2010

Date of decision: 03/02/2010

Decided at meeting: 03/02/2010 - Executive

Accompanying Documents: