Decision details

Housing Revenue Account 2010/11

Decision Maker: Executive

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No




1)         the draft 2010/11 Estimates for the Housing Revenue Account attached to the report at Appendix A, be approved;


2)         the actual average rent increase for 2010/11 be 2.6%;


3)        the Housing Revenue Account bids for revenue resources categorised as unavoidable and high set out in Appendix B be approved as follows:


              2010/11          £63,000

                                  2011/12          £49,000

                                  2012/13          £187,000;


4)                 the Housing Revenue Account bids for capital resources categorised as high and unavoidable set out in Appendix C be approved as follows:


                        2010/11          £600,000

                        2011/12          £730,000

                        2012/13          £6,020,000; and


5)                 the bid as recommended by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee be approved as follows:


            Cleaning and maintenance of flooring at Three Storey Flats - estimated cost £6,000.


Report author: Head of Finance and Resources

Publication date: 29/01/2010

Date of decision: 27/01/2010

Decided at meeting: 27/01/2010 - Executive

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