Decision details

Development Opportunities - Dingleside and Ipsley

Decision Maker: Executive, Council

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


To advise Members of proposals for joint disposal of adjoining development sites with Worcestershire County Council.


The Committee received a report advising of the opportunities for the Council to progress disposal of two sites at Dingleside and Ipsley jointly with the adjoining owners. Site plans for both sites and a draft Concordat between the Council and other parties for the Dingleside site were tabled at the meeting.


Officers reiterated that the decision to be made at this stage was one of declaring the land surplus and considering the sites for disposal and was not about determining future use. One of the other parties wished to have some comfort that redevelopment of the sites would be completed, hence the drawing up of a draft Concordat. The magnitude of any proceeds to the Council were still under negotiation.


Because of the nature of the land being disposed of, Members were keen to establish to what uses Section 106 and Section 77 monies were to be put. It was highlighted that the Section 77 element would be required to be spent primarily on school sports provision and possibly education related leisure assets. It was hoped that the Section 106 element would contribute to the funding of the Abbey Stadium redevelopment.


A Member requested that the advice from the Head of Legal, Democratic and Property Services that Members who were on both the Executive and Planning Committees would not be at risk of being conflicted out on grounds of predetermination as the issue at hand at this stage was merely one of declaring land surplus and authorising disposal be placed on record.


(During the consideration of this item, Members discussed matters that necessitated the disclosure of exempt information. It was therefore agreed to move to exclude the press and public prior to any debate on the grounds that information would be revealed relating to provisional terms of land disposals under negotiation, disclosure of which was not considered to be in the public’s best interests.)


Report author: Head of Legal, Democratic and Property Services

Publication date: 21/09/2009

Date of decision: 16/09/2009

Decided at meeting: 16/09/2009 - Executive

Accompanying Documents: