Decision details

Disposal of Land – “Tear Drop” adj. A441 Alvechurch Highway

Decision Maker: Executive

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


Members are requested to formally declare the land known as the ‘Tear Drop’ as surplus to requirements and note the value of the bid received from a prospective purchaser.




1)       the land known as the “Tear Drop” be disposed of for the purposes detailed in the report; and


2)       Officers be instructed to proceed with the offer from Party E as detailed in the confidential Appendix 2 to the report.


(Members re-affirmed their intention to direct the income towards the Abbey Stadium Redevelopment project.  There was no discussion in confidential Session.)

Report author: Head of Finance and Resources

Publication date: 08/12/2010

Date of decision: 02/12/2010

Decided at meeting: 02/12/2010 - Executive

Accompanying Documents: