Issue - meetings

Shared Services Board

Meeting: 14/09/2009 - Council (Item 58)

Shared Services Board

To consider the recommendations arising from the meeting of the Shared Services Board held on 8th September 2009.


(In view of the fact that it contains information relating to individuals, which might reveal the identity of individuals and also contemplated consultations or negotiations in connection with labour relations matters arising between the authority and employees of the authority, this report is confidential and has been circulated to Members and relevant Officers only.)


(Minutes attached – Report to the Shared Services Board circulated to Members under separate cover)


The Council  considered and approved detailed proposals for a single team of Officers to manage both Redditch and Bromsgrove Councils.

The report, and subsequent debate, was considered in confidential session in view of the fact that information relating to individual Officers and their financial affairs, together with labour relations matters still under negotiation, was to be discussed. It was agreed that as full as possible a public record be provided, as soon as possible after the meetings of both
Redditch and Bromsgrove Councils had taken place.  The following is the full list of decisions taken at the meeting:

The Council AGREED that

1)         subject to the change of title of the proposed Assistant Chief Executive to ‘Director of Policy, Performance & Partnerships’, the proposed Single Management Structure attached at Appendix 3 to the Shared Services Board (SSB) report be adopted for formal consultation with the affected staff and trade unions;

2)         the proposed Timetable attached at Appendix 5 to the SSB report be approved, together with the Ringfencing proposals detailed in the preamble to the SSB minutes of the 8th September 2009 (Minute 5 d) final paragraph -  Recruitment and Selection Processes refers *);

3)         the proposal to seek volunteers from the directly affected staff in the first instance for Voluntary Compulsory Redundancy / Early Retirement, in order to minimise the number of Compulsory Redundancies, be approved;

4)         the proposal to make a payment, subject to consultation with the affected staff and trade unions, of pay in lieu of notice (PILON) to anyone unsuccessful in securing a post on the Single Management Team be approved, for the reasons outlined at section 13.12 of the SSB report,  from 30th March 2010;

5)         the proposed salary levels of the Single Management Team posts, as independently evaluated and outlined at paragraph 4.16 of the SSB report, be approved; all new posts to have an incremental salary range, with progression subject to satisfactory performance;

6)         it be noted that independent advice on outstanding job evaluation to existing members of the Corporate Management Team for Redditch Borough Council has been sought and the potential impact on severance costs also be noted;

7)         it be noted that the offer of employment contracts to members of the Single Management Team may need to be provisional because of the more detailed work on terms and conditions that is required;

8)         the potential need for the application of salary protection, where displaced members of the existing management teams may be redeployed into lower level posts within the proposed new structure, be noted;

9)         the preliminary response of the recognised trade unions to the timetable and proposed structure be noted;

10)      the projected savings of £1.282m over the 5 year period arising as a result of the Single Management Team proposals be noted and endorsed;

11)      the sum quoted in the main body of the SSB report be split between the two Councils and released from balances to cover the potential costs associated with progressing to a Single Management Team;  ...  view the full minutes text for item 58