115 Polling Districts and Polling Places - 2013/14 Review PDF 309 KB
To consider the findings of the formal review of Polling Districts and Polling Places, as required under the Representation of the People Act 1983 and Electoral Registration and Administration Act 2013, and as based on Electoral Commission Guidance.
(Report attached)
Additional documents:
Members considered a report on the findings of the formal review of Polling Districts and Polling Places as required under legislation.
The report contained officer recommendations arising from the review and if these were approved by the Council on 27th January 2014 they would have effect from the date of the publication of the revised Register of Electors on 14th February 2014.
Members welcomed the report and acknowledged the work which had been undertaken by officers in carrying out the review.
In relation to Church Hill North Polling District (CHB), Members noted the request received from the Abbeywood First School but queried whether this was an appropriate change. Members were mindful of the potential road safety, traffic and parking issues in relation to the suggested alternative premises of St Andrew’s Church.
a) the
Polling District changes indicated on the plan displayed at the
meeting made to Brockhill Polling
District (BYB) in the Batchley and
Brockhill Ward, to generate a new
Polling District (BYD), with effect from the date of
publication of the next revised
Register of Electors (14 February 2014);
b) that Council be requested to
determine whether the new Polling
District (BYD) be named ‘Lowans’, OR ‘Brockhill East’;
c) that Council be requested to
determine that in the case of ‘Brockhill East’ being selected at b) above,
the current ‘Brockhill’
Polling District (BYB) be redesignated
‘Brockhill West’;
2) the Council designate the entire new Polling District ‘BYD’ as the Polling Place for the Polling District, until such time as planned new community facilities/school are built and available for this purpose and that, thereafter, they be the designated Polling Place;
further to 2) above, in the interim,
authority be delegated to the (Acting) Returning Officer, in
consultation with Leaders, Portfolio Holder and Ward Members, to
confirm the precise location of the new portable unit(s) to provide
Polling Places within the new ‘BYD’ Polling
In respect of Appendix 1 to the report
(‘Review Final Recommendations’,)
a) there be no change to existing arrangements, where indicated;
b) there be no change to existing arrangements in respect of Church
Hill North Polling District (CHB) Church Hill Ward;
c) the relocation of the Polling Station for St Peters
Polling District (CCA) Crabbs Cross
Ward be approved;
d) the relocation of the Polling Station Highfields Polling District (HOB) Headless Cross
and Oakenshaw Ward be approved but that
the Council be requested to consider the renaming of the Polling
District ; and
e) the decisions under b) c) and d) above take effect from 14th
February 2014;
5) a proposed new voluntary contract in respect of the use of private premises as Polling Places, as illustrated at Appendix 3 to the report, be endorsed and implemented with immediate effect.