Issue - meetings

Quarterly Budget Monitoring - 2nd Quarter 2013/14

Meeting: 10/12/2013 - Executive (Item 94)

94 Quarterly Budget Monitoring - 2nd Quarter 2013/14 pdf icon PDF 182 KB

To consider the latest quarterly finance monitoring report for the Council.


(Report attached)


Members noted that work was being carried out to identify the savings which contributed to the unidentified sum of £550k in the revenue budget for 2013-14.


In response to a query from Councillor Brandon Clayton about the Housing capital programme, the Financial Services Manager undertook to clarify details around the delay in letting the contract for solid wall insulation.





1)        the current financial position on Revenue and Capital, as detailed in the report, be noted;


2)        identified savings be used to offset the savings requirement that has not been fully identified, where available in discussion with Heads of Service; and




3)        the 2013/14 Capital programme be increased by £55K to include Section 106 funded Town Centre Enhancements.