Issue - meetings

Fees and Charges

Meeting: 11/02/2014 - Executive (Item 131)

131 Fees and Charges pdf icon PDF 81 KB

To consider the proposed fees and charges for 2014/15 for the Council’s chargeable services.


(Report attached)

Additional documents:


The Committee considered a report setting out the proposed Fees and Charges for the Council’s chargeable services for 2014/15. Officers reported that an overall 3% increase in fees and charges would be achieved through approval of the proposals and the income target for the year had been increased by £91K when compared to the previous year.


Officers highlighted that the fifth row on Page 51 of the Executive Committee report should have read ‘Bulky Collection – four items or more’. It was also explained that percentage increases had not been incorporated for all charges for practical and presentational reasons. In several instances, larger than 3% increases were attributed to charges not being increased for a number of years and the practical implications of amending printed scales of charges on an annual basis where the volume of transactions did not warrant it.




1)        the fees and charges for 2014/15 as set out in Appendix 1- 9 to the report be approved; other than in cases where:-


a)         fees or charges are statutory,


b)           fees and charges are set externally, or


c)            other Council- approved circumstances apply.


2)        the Head of Leisure and Cultural Services has delegation to  alter the Leisure fees and charges by a variation of up to 30%