Issue - meetings

PSN Compliance

Meeting: 14/01/2014 - Executive (Item 123)

123 Public Services Network Compliance at Redditch Borough Council pdf icon PDF 108 KB

To update the Executive Committee on the requirement to achieve compliance with the Public Services Network (formerly known as the Government Secure eXtranet) and to seek approval for the release of funds for year 2013/14 to start achieving compliance in the current financial year.


(Report attached)

Additional documents:


The Committee received a report on the requirement for the Authority to achieve compliance with the Public Services Network (formerly known as the Government Secure eXtranet) in order for the Authority to continue to access services.


It was reported that the Public Services Network was “owned “and managed by the Cabinet Office and that a  zero-tolerance approach to compliance was being taken. It had been made very clear that Authorities would lose their connection to the GSX and future PSN should they not fully meet all PSN requirements. This would mean that the Borough Council would be unable to manage citizen benefits and transfer secure information to partners such as the Police and the NHS. In addition it would prevent future Plans to implement Individual Electoral Registration from June 2014. 


The report informed Members of some of the steps which were required to be taken to demonstrate a genuine intention to achieve compliance. This included upgrades to existing systems and replacement equipment to enable officers and Members to have remote access to PSN systems from home or other locations. The actions required would need to be undertaken in stages and as well as the actions which were required to be undertaken and funded in 2013/14, additional funding would need to be included in the budget setting process for 2014/15.


It was stressed in response to queries from Members that the Council’s systems had always been required to be compliant in terms of security, but that the Cabinet Office had now amended the definitions of compliance. Many other Local Authorities were in a similar position to the Borough Council.


Members were concerned at the attitude taken by the Cabinet Office, particularly in a time of great financial restraint and in view of the fact there had been no major issues or breaches of security. It was recognised however that the Council had little option but to undertake the steps required to demonstrate a move towards a position of compliance.  




1)         an increase to the 2013/14 Capital Programme of £90,000, to be funded from borrowing be approved;


2)         the borrowing costs be released from balances in 2013/14 and be included as unavoidable pressures in the 2014/15 Medium Term Financial Plan; and


3)         the release of £39,000 from balances in 2013/14 to fund the associated revenue costs be approved.     



(The majority of the discussion on this item took place prior to the exclusion of the press and the public. Members did however discuss matters relating to the procurement of equipment and services and this necessitated the disclosure of exempt information.  It was therefore agreed to exclude the press and public during that part of the debate on the grounds that information would be revealed which would relate to the financial or business affairs of a particular person (including the authority holding that information))