Issue - meetings

Independent Remuneration Panel for Worcestershire District Councils - Annual Report and Recommendations for 2014/15

Meeting: 11/02/2014 - Executive (Item 132)

132 Independent Remuneration Panel for Worcestershire District Councils - Annual Report and Recommendations for 2014/15 pdf icon PDF 133 KB

To consider the recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel for the levels of Basic and Special Responsibility Allowances for 2014/15.


(Report attached)

Additional documents:


The Committee received the latest report and recommendations from the Independent Remuneration Panel (IRP) in respect of the level of allowances to be paid to members of Redditch Borough Council for 2014/15.


The IRP had not proposed an increase in its recommended level of allowances for the coming year, but it was noted that the Council had agreed a considerably lower of level of allowances for 2013/14 than the IRP had recommended. The comparative figures for what was being recommended and what was being received by members was set out in the Appendix to the IRP report.


Members once again expressed their disquiet at having to make a decision on their own levels of remuneration.




1)        the Council has regard to the recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel;


2)        the Council does not accept the recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel, set out in detail in Appendix 1 to its report, for the following allowances:




Deputy Leader

Portfolio Holders

Executive Members without Portfolio

Chair of Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Members of Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Chair of Overview and Scrutiny Task Groups

Chair of Audit and Governance Committee

Chair of Planning Committee

Chair of Licensing Committee

Chair of Standards Committee

Political Group Leaders;


3)        the Council accepts the Panel’s recommendations for travel, subsistence and dependent carers allowances;


4)        for 2014-15, the Basic and Special Responsibility Allowances continue at the level set for 2013-14, as set out in detail in the final column in appendix 1 to the Panel’s report;


5)        the Panel’s recommendation relating to the Parish Council be noted.