Issue - meetings

Land to rear of Middle House Lane - Disposal

Meeting: 24/06/2014 - Executive (Item 8)

8 Land to the rear of Middle House Lane pdf icon PDF 82 KB

To consider revision of a condition relating to the disposal of land to the rear of Middle House Lane, Enfield.


(An appendix to this report contains exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 of Part I of Schedule 12A to the

Local Government Act 1972, as amended. For this reason it

has been circulated to members and relevant Officers only.)


(Report attached)


Additional documents:


A report was considered which proposed amendment of a decision taken in relation to the disposal of a piece of land to the rear of Middle House Lane, Redditch.


In 2005 this piece of land had been declared surplus by the Council and it had been agreed to dispose of it in conjunction with a site belonging to Worcestershire County Council which sits adjacent and provides access to it. At the time the Council had specified that the land should be disposed of to a social landlord of the Council’s choosing for the development of social housing.


The County Council was now seeking to dispose of its land at market value and, should the Borough Council not openly market its own site, would do so in isolation, leaving the Borough Council with the possibility of having to pay a premium or ransom to access its own site. Members noted that the description of the site was not entirely accurate as it was not bordered by Birmingham Road as specified in paragraph 3.12.




the land to the rear of Middle House Lane, Redditch be disposed of at market value.