Issue - meetings

Local Development Scheme 2014 and Community Infrastructure Levy

Meeting: 24/06/2014 - Executive (Item 6)

6 Local Development Scheme 2014 and Community Infrastructure Levy pdf icon PDF 143 KB

To consider authorising Officers to commence the collection of evidence and collation of a draft charging schedule for a Community Infrastructure Levy for the Borough of Redditch.


(Report attached)

Additional documents:


The Committee considered a report which contained a revised Local Development Scheme and a proposal that Officers be instructed to begin preparation of a Community Infrastructure Levy and Allocations Plan for the Council.


Officers explained that forthcoming meetings of the Planning Advisory Panel would be set aside to consider the introduction of the Community Infrastructure Levy. Members were informed that it was currently the intention of the Council to operate both Section 106 agreements and the new Community Infrastructure Levy alongside each other The Committee was also reassured that the involvement of the Planning Advisory Panel would be in the preparation of the overall Community Infrastructure Levy Policy rather than in determining the levels of developer contributions from specific developments.




1)        the contents of the report and the proposed amendments to the Local Development Scheme timetables be noted;


2)        Officers be formally instructed to begin preparation of a Community Infrastructure Levy and Allocations Plan for Redditch Borough Council; and




3)        Appendix A to the report, which includes the Council’s forthcoming programme for planning policy documents from July 2014, be approved by Members.