Issue - meetings

Covered Market Area - Proposal for Play Barn

Meeting: 29/07/2014 - Executive (Item 23)

23 Covered Market Area - Proposal for Play Barn pdf icon PDF 142 KB

To consider a proposal for a play barn scheme in the covered market area in Redditch town centre.


(Report attached)

Additional documents:


Mr Ken Williams, Chair of the Town Centre Partnership, attended the meeting in order to present to the Committee a proposal for a play barn scheme in the redundant covered market area in Redditch town centre. The decision which Members were being asked to consider was the leasing of the land in question to the Town Centre Partnership for this purpose at no cost.


There was a general acknowledgement that the site in question required improvement and no other viable use of the site had been put forward in recent years. Furthermore, the space had a number of facilities which made it ideal for this purpose. The site was secure, covered and yet open-air, well-located and had toilet facilities in close proximity. This scheme was seen as a fitting 50th anniversary legacy project.


The proposal envisaged two children’s areas, one for younger and one for older children, and a free to use adult exercise space. Funding was to be found through sponsorship, corporate funding and community funding and a limit of six-months had been set within which the necessary funding was to be delivered. The scheme also envisaged there being no liability to the Council.


Members very much welcomed the proposed scheme. It was made clear, in response to specific questions, that this land did not form a part of the sale of Threadneedle House, nor had it been identified as a parking area for that property. In addition, Officers reported that the Planning Team had advised that, in principle, the use of the site as a play area was acceptable in planning terms but that a lease of no more than ten years would be appropriate so as not to prejudice any future development strategies.




1)           in principle the land known as the covered market area, outlined in the site map at Appendix 1 to the report, be leased, for a peppercorn rent, to the Redditch Town Centre Partnership for the purpose of the scheme to create a play barn, subject to the planning and funding requirements of the scheme being secured, within 6 months of agreement;


2)           the Executive Director for Finance and Resources and Head of Legal, Equalities and Democratic Services, be delegated authority to be satisfied that the necessary planning permission and funding for the scheme have been secured by the Redditch Town Centre Partnership and to prepare and execute a Lease of the land to the Redditch Town Centre Partnership for a term and on conditions, which will secure the Council’s interests whilst supporting the venture in so far as it is compatible with them; and


3)        the Redditch Town Centre Partnership be asked to provide regular updates to the Leader and relevant Portfolio Holder on progress.