Issue - meetings

Council Tax Support Scheme 2015/16

Meeting: 25/11/2014 - Executive (Item 58)

58 Council Tax Support Scheme 2015/16 pdf icon PDF 138 KB

To consider the enclosed report seeking approval of the proposed Council Tax Support Scheme for 2015/16, which is based on the draft scheme approved by the Executive Committee on 28th October.


Further to Minute 45 of the meeting of the Executive Committee held on 28th October 2014, the Committee was asked to consider the final local Council Tax Support Scheme 2015/16 following consultation which had taken place on the draft Scheme.


Officers advised that the only changes to be made to the Scheme related to the future ‘uprating’ of some figures to allow for national changes in other benefits and allowances.  Following consultation only one response had been received, which supported the proposed scheme.


Since changes to the support scheme had been introduced in April 2014 there had not been a substantial impact on collection rates and recovery rates were now levelling out.  The authority was one of the few in the county to have a hardship fund to assist people in financial difficulty.  Financial Support Officers were working closely with customers in financial hardship to discuss their financial situation and help with wider issues to help identify appropriate solutions.


Concerns were expressed by some Members for the future when the Council Tax Support Scheme would not form part of Universal Credit, which it was felt could have a significant impact on arrears.  Officers responded that they were already working to try to address this, and were working closely with JobCentre Plus to ensure things ran as smoothly as possible for the residents of Redditch.




no changes be made to the Council Tax Support Scheme for 2015/16, other than to allow for the future ‘uprating’ of some of the figures to take account of other national changes in benefits and allowances.