Issue - meetings

Improved Parking Schemes

Meeting: 28/10/2014 - Executive (Item 43)

43 Improved Parking Schemes pdf icon PDF 167 KB

To consider a report from the Head of Environmental Services setting out proposals for improved parking schemes across the Borough.

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Members considered a report setting out proposals for improved parking schemes across the Borough.


Officers explained the funding elements of the proposals and advised that monies for improvements came from the General Fund.  As detailed in the report, the demolition of garages and removal of resulting material to an approved tip had so far been financed by the Housing Revenue Account, which would remain the case for all future schemes.




1)           a virement of £139,000 be made from the Woodrow and Lodge Park Estate Enhancement Capital budgets to fund the completion of Schemes in Cropthorne Close, Bushley Close and Doverdale Close Woodrow; and


2)           as part of the future capital bidding processes for 2015/16 and 2016/17 Members consider funding future ‘Improved Parking Schemes’ in: Exhall Close, Church Hill South; Drayton Close, Matchborough West; Astley Close, Woodrow; Mainstone Close, Winyates East; Fulbrook Close, Church Hill South; Garway Close, Matchborough East; and Felton Close, Matchborough East.