Issue - meetings

Local Council Tax Support Scheme - Draft Scheme 2015-16

Meeting: 28/10/2014 - Executive (Item 45)

45 Local Council Tax Support Scheme - Draft Scheme 2015/16 pdf icon PDF 161 KB

To consider a report from the Head of Customer Access and Support seeking confirmation of a Local Council Tax Support Scheme for the financial year 2015-16.

Additional documents:


The Committee received a report seeking confirmation of a Local Council Tax Support Scheme for the financial year 2015/16.  The report also included data on the take-up of the Hardship Fund and other measures showing the impact of the Scheme on collection rates and recovery action.


Officers advised that there had been only a slight dip in collection rates since changes to the Council Tax Support Scheme were introduced in April 2014. Whilst there had been an increase in recovery action this was now levelling out.  Members were pleased to note that only a small amount of the Hardship Fund had needed to be committed, which Officers advised was as a result of working closely with those affected and in providing support to assist them with any issues.  This was also in line with the locality work currently being undertaken by the Council.   


It was proposed that there be no changes to the level of support provided by the Council, but that the various allowances be uprated in line with the Secretary of State’s annual announcement to ensure the Scheme remained in line with other benefits.


Some concerns were raised for the future when the Local Council Tax Support Scheme would not form part of Universal Credit, which it was felt could have a significant impact on arrears.




1)        no changes be made to the draft Council Tax Support Scheme for 2015/16, with the exception of ‘uprating’ some of the figures to take account of other national changes in benefits and allowances;


2)        consultation on the proposal in 1) above be carried out in accordance with legislation, before a final decision on the Scheme is recommended to Council later in the year; and


3)        the contents of the report in relation to take up of the Hardship Fund and other measures data be noted.