91 Housing Revenue Account Initial Estimates 2015/16 PDF 89 KB
To consider a report setting out proposals for the Housing Revenue Account for 2015-16.
Additional documents:
Members received a report which presented the Initial Estimates for the Housing Revenue Account and proposed dwelling rents for 2015/16.
Officers explained the financial implications of the report and it was noted that rents were based on a 48-week year, with tenants receiving 4 rent-free weeks each year.
1) the draft 2015/2016 Estimates for the Housing Revenue Account attached to the report at Appendix A be approved;
2) the actual average rent increase for 2015/2016 be 2.2% (1.2% CPI plus 1% as per government guidelines); and
3) £3m be transferred to a reserve as a Revenue Contribution to Capital to fund the future Capital Programme and repay borrowing..