Issue - meetings

Executive Committee

Meeting: 08/12/2014 - Council (Item 53)

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To receive the minutes and consider the recommendations and/or referrals from the following meetings of the Executive Committee:


(a)          28th October – there are recommendations in the following items:

·         Improved parking schemes – minute no.43;

·         Fees and charges – minute no.47


(b)          25th November – there are recommendations in the following items:

·         Public services network compliance – minute no.57;

·         Local Council Tax support scheme 2015-2016 – minute no. 58

·         Joint Property Vehicle – minute no. 61

·         Environmental Services business case – minute no.68.


(Minutes of the meetings circulated in the Minute book; recommendations and reports included with this agenda)

Additional documents:


Members considered the minutes of the Executive Committee meeting of 28th October 2014.


Improved Parking Schemes


In respect of the recommendations from the Committee in relation to Improved Parking Schemes across the Borough, the following points were discussed prior to a decision being taken.


·         The majority of schemes being within Council owned estates.

·         The potential alternatives methods to operate a scheme.

·         Residents seeking to be able to park appropriately close to their homes.

·         The areas covered by the scheme.

·         The option to roll out the scheme to other areas throughout the Borough.

·         Enforcement of the scheme.

·         The overall and any additional cost of the scheme.


Fees and Charges


The following areas were debated prior to a decision being taken in respect of the recommendations for the Fees and Charges Review 2015/16 Report.


·         Disappointment in the increase in the cost of junior swimming lessons and a suggestion that the Council could show support for children learning to swim by keeping the current charge. 

·         The discount available through the use of a Redicard.

·         The provision of free swimming for both under 16 and over 60 year olds.


An amendment to exclude junior swimming lessons from the list of charges proposed to be increased was declared lost. 


Members considered the minutes of the Executive Committee meeting of 25th November 2014.


Public Service Network Compliance


Members were informed that further funding was required to maintain Public Services Network (PSN) compliance in the current financial year.  There would be further funding requirements to achieve full compliance in 2015 and 2016 which would be included in the budget setting process.  The following areas were discussed in detail prior to a decision being taken on the recommendations detailed in the agenda.


·         The introduction of Ipads to all Members and how the appropriate level of support required by Councillors could be gauged;

·         The pressures from central government to become PSN compliant and the need to make adequate provision for future requirements.


Council Tax Support Scheme 2015/16


Members were pleased to see that there were no proposed changes to this scheme and were supportive of the work which it allowed officers to carry out.  However, it was noted that universal credit would be in place at some stage in the future and it was important that people were aware of this.


Joint Property Vehicle Full Business Case


Members were reminded that this had been raised earlier in the year and were now being asked to agree that the Council participate in establishing a Joint Property Vehicle as detailed in the report.  Whilst Members queried who would sit on the Board that would be established, it was accepted that it was not possible to say at this stage, but that all members would be advised once the appointment had been made.


Environmental Services Transformation and Shared Services Restructure


Members were reminded that there had been a number of opportunities through the Shared Services Board and Group meeting briefings to receive detailed information and raise any queries about  ...  view the full minutes text for item 53