Issue - meetings

Land at Easemore Road - Disposal

Meeting: 20/01/2015 - Executive (Item 88)

88 Land at Easemore Road - Disposal pdf icon PDF 156 KB

To consider disposing of land at Easemore Road in the Borough.

Additional documents:


The Committee considered a report which sought Member approval to amend a previous decision of the Executive Committee in relation to the disposal of land at Easemore Road.


Officers explained the background to the previously agreed terms of the disposal of the land, as detailed in the report.


Members agreed that in view of the problems which had previously been encountered in relation to the sale of the land it was prudent for the land to be disposed of at market value.  A Member queried the potential current value of the land compared to what they understood to have been the historical valuation for this, which Officers agreed to look into outside of the meeting and to report back to Members separately for information.


Officers explained that there was a statutory obligation for the Council to obtain the best possible value for the land, and that the figure in question met this requirement.  If this were not the case then a separate report would be required to Members seeking approval to sell at less than best value, which did not apply in this case. Officers would, in any event, always seek to negotiate the highest possible receipts from the sale of land.  The land at Easemore Road was now under direct sale and was therefore subject to a totally different scheme to that which had previously applied.  




the land at Easemore Road, Redditch be disposed of at market value.