Issue - meetings

Economic Priorities for Redditch

Meeting: 08/09/2015 - Executive (Item 32)

32 Economic Priorities for Redditch pdf icon PDF 206 KB

To consider and approved proposed economic themes and priorities.


(Report attached)

Additional documents:


The Committee received a report which detailed a new set of economic themes, priorities, Action Plan and associated deliverables for Redditch.


Members heard that the economic priorities had been developed in close consultation with the Redditch Economic Development Theme Group, which included a number of business representatives and partner organisations.  It was proposed that the Theme Group would continue to act in an advisory capacity to the Council in the delivery of the Action Plan, which would provide some external support and insight.  Monthly briefings and updates would be provided to the Portfolio Holder with responsibility for economic development, to ensure that effective progress was being made in delivering the plan. 


A request was made by one Member to amend recommendations 2 and 3 of the report to extend the remit for the management and monitoring of the Action Plan to specifically include the Portfolio Holder, and for a 6-monthy progress report to be taken to the Executive Committee.  The amendments were not seconded and were therefore not considered or voted on.


A discussion took place on the ‘Skilled Redditch’ economic theme and the Heart of Worcestershire College’s role in this regard.  Officers advised that the College was a member of the Theme Group and had therefore assisted in the development of the Action Plan and would continue to be involved with this.  There were additional providers of education who Officers and the Council needed to work with.  These included the Employment and Skills Board and Local Enterprise Partnerships, with business pool funding being available for the districts to assist with skills growth. North Worcestershire Economic Development and Regeneration was looking to be proactive in terms of apprenticeships with local employers in order to support the town’s young people into sustainable employment by equipping them with the relevant skills and expertise required by employers.


Members queried the current position in relation to The Anchorage property in Redditch, which had been considered by the Executive some years previously and on which confirmation was awaited from the College.  Officers agreed to check the position with this and to report back to Members.




1)           the economic themes, priorities and Action Plan for Redditch and the associated deliverables set out at Appendix 1 to the report be endorsed;


2)           the management and monitoring of the Action Plan be delegated to the Head of Economic Development & Regeneration; and


3)           a report setting out progress against delivery of the priorities and Action Plan be brought to the Executive Committee on an annual basis.