Issue - meetings

Council Tax Support Scheme

Meeting: 09/06/2015 - Executive (Item 7)

7 Council Tax Support Scheme pdf icon PDF 392 KB

To consider the attached report reviewing the Council Tax Support Scheme.       


The Committee received a report which proposed no change to the Council Tax Support Scheme for 2016/17, which Members were required to review annually.  The report also set out data in relation to the take up of the Hardship Fund and other measures which showed the impact of the Scheme on collection rates and recovery action.


Members were advised that there had been only a small increase in the number of rent accounts in arrears, with Housing Officers having reported that it was not possible to make a clear link between the changes to Council Tax Support and rent arrears.  Recovery action was said to be in line with what was to be expected when compared with other authorities. 


Less than half of the 2014/15 Hardship Fund budget had been spent, which again was in keeping with other authorities who had introduced a similar scheme.  The surplus of the budget would carry over to 2015/16 and Officers had worked proactively with a total of 211 customers through the Hardship Scheme.  In doing so they had provided budget advice and support to identify where other financial support could be offered.  Where possible, the Council avoided taking bailiff action against those affected by the change to support and instead attempted to establish alternative means of collecting Council Tax.  Members expressed their gratitude to all Officers involved with the Scheme, which provided transitional support and assistance to the most vulnerable.   


In response to a Member question, Officers stated that Universal Credit had not impacted or been particularly problematic at this stage, with the only notable issue relating to the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) computer systems.  Officers were working closely with the DWP on people data to provide relevant information.  




1)            no changes be made to the Council Tax Support Scheme for 2016/17; and


2)            the contents of the report in relation to take up of the Hardship Fund and other measures data be noted.