Issue - meetings

Voluntary and Community Sector Grants Programme

Meeting: 08/09/2015 - Executive (Item 33)

33 Voluntary and Community Sector Grants Programme pdf icon PDF 108 KB

To consider recommendations as to the funding split and themes for the Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) grants process for 2015/16.


(Report attached)

Additional documents:


The Committee considered a report, for recommendation to full Council, on the funding split and themes for the Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) grants process 2016/17.  The report also recommended changes to update and improve the scoring matrix and Grants Policy.


Whilst the overall budget of £241k for the grants process remained the same as for 2015/16 (£4k of which would facilitate the delivery of training to the Voluntary and Community Sector on external funding workshops/events), the themes and proposed funding for 2016/17 had been updated to reflect the Council’s Strategic Purposes and customer demand.


Officers advised that it had been recommended that the scoring matrix at Appendix 2 to the report be trialled at the next Grants Panel meeting, and that this continue to be used moving forward if this were found to be successful.  Members supported this proposal.


Officers responded to Member questions on current staffing issues and confirmed that whilst a member of staff had been on long-term sick leave this had not affected the grants progress to date, nor would it affect it moving forward. 


Whilst the majority of Members felt that any underspend in the grants at the end of the year should be put back into balances some did not support this approach. 




1)            the themes and percentages of funding be allocated for the 2016/17 voluntary and community sector grants process as set out in Appendix 1 to the report;


2)            the scoring matrix and Grants Policy be updated as set out in Appendices 2 (subject to a satisfactory trial of the scoring matrix at the next Grants Panel meeting) and 3 to the report; and


3)            any underspend in the grants at the end of the year be put back into balances.