Issue - meetings

Independent Remuneration Panel (IRP) Report and Recommendations

Meeting: 02/02/2016 - Executive (Item 88)

88 Independent Remuneration Panel Report and Recommendations pdf icon PDF 139 KB

To consider a report detailing proposals from the Independent Remuneration Panel (IRP).


(Report attached)

Additional documents:


Members received a report of the Independent Remuneration Panel which recommended the level of allowances for Councillors for 2016/17.  Officers advised that whilst the Council was required to have regard to the Panel’s recommendations it was not obliged to agree to them, and could choose to implement them in full or in part, or not to accept them.


Members noted that if accepting the Panel’s recommendations in full, the budget for Members’ basic and special responsibility allowances for 2016/17 would be approximately £194,500, which would represent an increase of £56,500 on the projected total expenditure for the same allowances in the current year.


Members were supportive of the proposed amendment to the travel allowances section of the Members’ Allowances Scheme in relation to the use of taxis in exceptional circumstances and where public transport was not available.  However, as in previous years, Members did not support the proposed increases to the Basic Allowance and Special Responsibility Allowances, which were felt to be particularly inappropriate in light of the current financial climate.




1)          the Council has regard to the report and recommendations from the Independent Remuneration Panel for 2016/17;


2)          the Council does not accept the recommendations at appendix 1 to the Panel’s report for the following allowances:




Deputy Leader;

Portfolio Holders;

Executive Members without Portfolio;

Chair of Overview and Scrutiny Committee;

Members of Overview and Scrutiny Committee;

Chair of Overview and Scrutiny Task Groups;

Chair of Audit, Governance and Standards Committee;

Chair of Planning Committee;

Chair of Licensing Committee;

Political Group Leaders; and

Borough Council representatives on the Local Government Association and General Assembly and West Midlands Employers;


3)          the Council accepts the recommendations of the Panel relating to travel, subsistence and dependent carers’ allowances;


4)          for 2016/17 the Basic and Special Responsibility Allowances in the Council’s Allowances Scheme continue at the level set for 2015/16, as set out in the final column of appendix 1 to the Independent Remuneration Panel’s report;


5)          the recommendation relating to the Parish Council be noted; and


6)          the Members’ Allowances Scheme for 2016/17 remain unchanged, with the exception of the following inclusion into the travel allowances section:


“The rate for travel by Taxi Cab shall not exceed:


(i)     In cases of urgency or where no public transport is reasonably available, the amount of the actual fare and any reasonable gratuity paid, and


(ii)   In any other case, the amount of the fare for travel by appropriate public transport.”