Issue - meetings

Outside Bodies - Council Appointments / Nominations

Meeting: 27/10/2008 - Council (Item 80)

Outside Bodies - Council Appointments / Nominations

To review Borough Council representation on the County Council Highways Forum, following changes to the composition of the body: it will now comprise all Redditch County Councillors, plus up to two Borough Councillors.


The Council currently has three representatives: Councillors Boyd-Carpenter, Fry and Field, one of whom, Cllr Fry, will now automatically have a place as a County representative.


In terms of the remaining representatives, the County Council asks for up to two non-voting members “with a mandate for land drainage and street scene”. (The closest match for this requirement would be Cllr MacMillan as the Portfolio Holder for Local Environment, Planning and Transport.)


The Council is requested to RESOLVE


which Member(s) are now to be appointed.


(No separate report)


The Council noted recent changes to the composition of the County Council Highways Forum, which would now comprise all Redditch County Councillors plus up to two non-voting Borough Councillors.


Members expressed disappointment at the changes in the composition of the Forum, particularly in that it no longer represented a truly ‘partnership’ approach and in relation to the County’s decision to restrict the Borough Council’s appointees to that of non-voting representatives.




Councillors MacMillan (Portfolio Holder for Local Environment and Planning and Transport) and Hunt be appointed to the County Council Highways Forum as the Borough Council’s representatives.