45 Executive Committee - minutes of the meeting held on 12th September 2017 PDF 304 KB
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Leisure and Cultural Services Concessionary Policy
Members discussed the proposed changes to the Leisure and Cultural Service’s Concessionary Policy and in so doing noted the following:
· The Reddicard had been in use since 1998.
· The existing pricing structure was relatively complex with 15 different pricing tariffs.
· The proposed new pricing structure would bring the Council in line with other local authorities in the area.
· Due to the way the Reddicard was originally established the concessions available had impacted on the standard charge for the Council’s leisure services, which were much higher than at neighbouring facilities.
· A number of new leisure facilities were due to open in locations close to the Borough and this would increase competition for the Council’s facilities.
· On the one hand concerns were raised about the potential impact that the new charging scheme might have on the potential for people with disabilities to participate in leisure activities.
· On the other hand it was noted that some people with disabilities had indicated during consultation that they would be willing to pay at the levels proposed in the new policy.
· There would be an affordability test and residents could receive discounts on the leisure fees if they could demonstrate that they were in receipt of particular benefits.
· Free swimming would continue to be available to those aged under 16.
· Concerns were raised that veterans from the armed forces might be penalised by the new pricing structure. However, it was noted that there was no ex-service personnel category in the current policy.
· It was noted that the Council was a signatory of the Worcestershire Armed Services Partnership Covenant and the new Concessionary Policy would not change arrangements for serving members of the forces.
· Officers confirmed that no additional training would be required by staff to implement the new policy arrangements, though standard training would continue to be provided on an ongoing basis.
Redditch Borough Council Garden Waste Service
During consideration of this item Members noted the following:
· The garden waste collection service would take place on the same day as the grey bin collection service.
· The service could be delivered at limited risk to the Council.
· Customers would be charged £45 per annum for the service, which would be delivered over a nine month period.
· The service differed from the previous garden waste collection service that had been trialled a number of years ago.
· Feedback received by the Council during consultation with the public on social media indicated that there would be interest in the service within the community.
Finance Monitoring Quarter 1
The content of the Finance Monitoring Quarter 1 report and associated recommendation was discussed and the following points were raised:
· Concerns were raised about the level of savings that had been achieved to date and the amount of information available in respect of progress delivering the Council’s Efficiency Plan.
· However, it was noted that this was only the first quarter of the financial year and further savings would emerge over time.
· The external auditors had recently endorsed ... view the full minutes text for item 45