Issue - meetings

Tenancy Conditions for Council Housing Tenants and Tenants' Handbook

Meeting: 09/07/2019 - Executive (Item 21)

21 Tenancy Conditions for Council Housing Tenants pdf icon PDF 94 KB

This report is due to be the subject of pre-scrutiny by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee at a meeting that is due to take place on 4th July, after the publication of the agenda for this meeting. Any recommendations made by the Overview and Scrutiny committee in respect of this matter will be reported for the consideration of the Executive Committee in an additional papers pack.


Additional documents:


Members considered a report providing an updated version of the Housing Tenancy Agreement and Conditions, and seeking Members approval to carry out a formal consultation with tenants on the document.


The Housing Services Manager and the Head of Community Services presented the report and highlighted the key areas.  The Housing Tenancy Agreement had not been updated since 2007; the revised document was designed to give tenants a clearer understanding of the operation of tenancies, and in particular the responsibilities of tenants.  Alongside the updated Housing Tenancy Agreement, officers were also updating arrangements for recharging of tenants, and a separate policy in this regard would be considered at Executive in September.


Members were referred to paragraph 5.8 of the report which summarised the key changes that were being made to the document.


During consideration of this matter the following points were noted:-


·       That the updated Housing Tenancy Agreement would reinforce the responsibilities of tenants, and help to promote better care being taken of properties; in the recent past this had been area where there had been problems with the Council having to fund significant repair work, particularly upon the surrender of tenancies.  It was hoped that the changes would foster more responsibility by tenants to care for their properties and this would have benefits for the community at large.


·       That the ability of officers to ensure that the conditions of tenancies were complied with would continue to be challenging.  The core process would remain the same and officers were intending to make greater use of powers under the Crime and Disorder Act, including the issuing of Community Protection Notices.


·       That it was important to encourage good landlord and tenant relationships, and officers would have a role to support tenants in making sure that they were able to comply with the terms of their tenancies.


Members considered the recommendations made by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee as set out at pages 2 to 3 of the agenda pack Additional Papers 1, and agreed that they should be added to the recommendation, and that subject thereto the updated document should be released for formal consultation.




1.     The revised Housing Tenancy Agreement & Conditions attached at Appendix 1, be released for formal consultation with tenants.


2.     Subject to the outcome of the consultation, a final version of the Tenancy Agreement be brought back to Executive Committee for formal adoption.


3.     The tenancy agreement should be amended at Paragraph 9.20, to read “park vehicles in areas set aside for emergency vehicles and allocated disabled bays”.


4.     The Council be more proactive with the enforcement, in particular, with regard to rubbish deposited in gardens, to ensure that gardens are kept tidy.


5.     The “your rights” section be retitled “your rights and responsibilities”.