74 Fees and Charges 2020/21 PDF 64 KB
This report will be the subject of pre-scrutiny at a meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee that is due to take place on 16th December 2019. Any recommendations arising from this meeting will be reported in an additional papers pack for the consideration of the Executive Committee.
The Budget Scrutiny Working Group pre-scrutinised the fees and charges report at a meeting held on 2nd December. An extract from the notes of that meeting, detailing a recommendation that was made on this subject by the group, has been attached to the agenda for Members’ consideration. This recommendation should only be considered subject to the group’s parent Committee, the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, approving the recommendation at a meeting on 16th December 2019.
Additional documents:
The report was withdrawn. The Chair confirmed that the fees and charges report would be considered in January 2020 instead.