Issue - meetings

Housing Revenue Account Rent Setting Report

Meeting: 19/12/2019 - Executive (Item 76)

76 Housing Revenue Account Rent Setting Report pdf icon PDF 80 KB


The Executive Director of Finance and Corporate Resources presented the Housing Revenue Account Rent Setting Report for 2020/21.  Members were advised that 2019/20 was the final year in the four year period in which Council had been required to reduce rents by 1% per annum.  In 2020/21 the Government had clarified that authorities could increase rents for tenants by CPI + 1%.  The Council was proposing to increase rents in line with this figure which would have a positive impact on the HRA. 


Members discussed the report and commented that the previous requirement to reduce Council tenants’ rent by 1% per annum had had a negative impact on the HRA.  This had created financial difficulties for the authority and Members noted that a similar requirement had not been placed on Housing Associations.




the actual average rent increase for 2020/21 be set as September 2019 CPI, 1.7%, plus 1% resulting in an increase of 2.7%