Issue - meetings

Scheme of Delegation - Ice Rink - Ticket Prices

Meeting: 19/01/2009 - Council (Item 103)

Scheme of Delegation to Officers - Leisure Fees and Charges

To consider a minor amendment to the Scheme of Delegation to Officers as set out below:


Amendments shown as strikethrough for deletions and bold italics for additions:


To vary fees and charges in accordance with market conditions as set out in Appendix 1 of the “Fees and Charges” report presented to Amenities Committee on 6th November 2001.  (DLCBS DHLCS  - Director of Housing, Leisure and Customer Services)(C ).


            To approve and implement short-term and one-off promotions at all permanent and temporary Sports and Leisure facilities (HLD&P / MLeis,  MSS).

(The purpose is to clarify the extent of the authority delegated to officers).


The Council considered a minor amendment to the Scheme of Delegation to Officers in order that the extent of the authority delegated to Officers in a certain area of the Council’s activities might be clarified.




the Scheme of Delegation to Officers be amended as set out below:


Amendments shown as strikethrough for deletions and bold italics for additions:


To vary fees and charges in accordance with market conditions as set out in Appendix 1 of the “Fees and Charges” report presented to Amenities Committee on 6th November 2001.  (DLCBS DHLCS  - Director of Housing, Leisure and Customer Services)(C ).


To approve and implement short-term and one-off promotions at all permanent and temporary Sports and Leisure facilities (HLD&P / MLeis,  MSS).