29 New Cemetery - Update Report PDF 274 KB
The Overview and Scrutiny Committee does not have the authority to scrutinise specific planning applications. Therefore the Committee will not be discussing the planning application in respect of a new cemetery site, which is subject to the Council’s separate planning process.
The Chair welcomed the Bereavement Services Manager to the meeting who presented a report to the Committee outlining the historical discussions and decision-making process undertaken in respect of the provision of a new cemetery. He confirmed that the item would be further scrutinised at a future Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting.
The Portfolio Holder for Environmental Services was invited to speak to the Committee and explained that this was an important item and that there was a considerable need for new cemetery provision.
Some Members were keen to understand the process in more detail and whether a single report that summarised the process was available and what work had specifically been undertaken in the previous twelve months. It was clarified that due to the ongoing suitability testing and because the Planning applications was a material part of the process, as yet no single report had been produced. It was reiterated that various reports had been provided to Members previously and that information regarding the current testing of sites was available in the Planning application. Some Members indicated that they hoped there would be complete transparency in the decision-making process once a decision on the subject was bought before Executive Committee and Full Council.
The Bereavement Services Manager explained that there had been delays in the process for several reasons including due to the ecology and archaeology of certain sites and the appropriateness of surveying these areas. This was in addition to the Covid-19 pandemic and associated lockdown.
The Chair requested that regular updates were provided to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on the new Cemetery as and when information was available. On being put to the vote this was carried.
1) the Overview and Scrutiny Committee be provided with regular updates on the new cemetery as and when available; and
2) the report be noted.