Issue - meetings

Pre-Application Planning Discussion Protocols

Meeting: 01/07/2009 - Executive (Item 41)

41 Pre-Application Planning Discussion Protocols pdf icon PDF 40 KB

To consider a protocol for including Members in pre-application discussions.


(Report attached)

Additional documents:




1)         the protocol and information at Appendix 1 be adopted for use and added to the Constitution’s associated documents subject to the minor amendments noted in the preamble above (below for the purposes of this notice);


2)         the implementation of the protocol be reviewed jointly by Officers and Members after 12 months;


3)         training for all Members and Officers involved be provided; and


4)         the resultant amendments to the Constitution, proposed at Appendix 2, be adopted.


(Officers highlighted two minor amendments to be made to the Protocol:


Page 48 –   Criteria for Member Involvement in Pre-Application Planning Discussions – deletion of Point 4 as this factor was replicated elsewhere (Point 8) ; and


Page 49 –   Replacement of the words “Appendix Two” with “Section One” in the first sentence headed “Either”.)


A report was received that recommended the adoption of a protocol for the engagement of Members in pre-application planning discussions whilst providing a clarity and fairness to the process.


Officers stated that good practice guidance now indicated that this was a positive move for the Borough. Members would receive initial training to highlight the major danger points and further issues would be picked up though ongoing member development.


Officers highlighted two minor amendments to be made to the Protocol:


Page 48 –   Criteria for Member Involvement in Pre-Application Planning Discussions – deletion of Point 4 as this factor was replicated elsewhere (Point 8) ; and


Page 49 –   Replacement of the words “Appendix Two” with “Section One” in the first sentence headed “Either”.


It was noted that, once the scheme got underway, the timescales of the development control process would be the major determining factor in terms of establishing these pre-application discussions rather than them being organised around the availability of Members.




1)         the protocol and information at Appendix 1 be adopted for use and added to the Constitution’s associated documents subject to the minor amendments noted in the preamble above;


2)         the implementation of the protocol be reviewed jointly by Officers and Members after 12 months;


3)         training for all Members and Officers involved be provided; and


4)         the resultant amendments to the Constitution, proposed at Appendix 2, be adopted.