Issue - meetings

Local Validation Checklist Review

Meeting: 01/07/2009 - Executive (Item 42)

42 Local Validation Checklist Review pdf icon PDF 135 KB

To receive Officer’s annual review of the Local Validation Checklist following its adoption in April 2008 and consider recommendations to amend aspects of the Checklist to improve clarity and usability.


(Report attached – Appendix 1 available on the Council’s website, unless a specific request is received from Councillors or others who require a copy)

Additional documents:




1)         the revised checklist at Appendix 1 be adopted for use from 1 September 2009 in replacement of that currently in circulation; and


2)         authority be delegated to the Head of Planning and Building Control in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holder to make minor alterations to the document as set out in the proposed framework at Appendix 2.


An updated and revised local validation checklist was considered by the Committee. As part of the process for improving the checklist additional and improved guidance had been developed to assist in the provision of information provided in support of planning applications to the authority.




1)         the revised checklist at Appendix 1 be adopted for use from 1 September 2009 in replacement of that currently in circulation; and


2)         authority be delegated to the Head of Planning and Building Control in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holder to make minor alterations to the document as set out in the proposed framework at Appendix 2.