Issue - meetings

Medium Term Financial Strategy and Plan 2010/11to 2012/13

Meeting: 01/07/2009 - Executive (Item 35)

35 Proposals for Re-investment - Economic Downturn pdf icon PDF 133 KB

To consider a range of options which will assist and support individuals and the communities of Redditch affected by the economic downturn.


(Report attached)

Additional documents:




1)         the proposals and projects contained within Appendix 1 be funded for the relevant periods;


2)         the funding for the projects/posts be met from the £255,000 currently set aside; and


3)         the £32,500 remaining balance be held for any future bids.


(Officers undertook to respond to Councillor Hartnett following the meeting in respect of a proposal to establish a Service Level Agreement with Registered Social Landlords to enable them to act as verification agencies on behalf of the Council – n.b. Officers identified that this action had been included in the Benefits Service Improvement Plan at a later point in the meeting.


The Chair invited Members to respond to Officers should compelling proposals be identified for the remaining balance.)


The Committee considered a range of proposals to assist and support individuals and the communities of Redditch affected by the economic downturn using the funds received from the Department of Work and Pensions as a retrospective benefits subsidy. In response to questions the Committee was informed by Officers that all bids received and considered by senior management had been included within the report before it. In part this was due to an additional £36,000 Administration Grant received over and above the initial subsidy which provided a small surplus once the cost of all competing proposals had been taken into account.


Officers undertook to respond to Councillor Hartnett following the meeting in respect of a proposal to establish a Service Level Agreement with Registered Social Landlords to enable them to act as verification agencies on behalf of the Council. However, Officers identified that this action had been included in the Benefits Service Improvement Plan at a later point in the meeting.




1)         the proposals and projects contained within Appendix 1 be funded for the relevant periods;


2)         the funding for the projects/posts be met from the £255,000 currently set aside; and


3)         the £32,500 remaining balance be held for any future bids.