Issue - meetings

Redditch Town Centre Strategy

Meeting: 16/09/2009 - Executive (Item 117)

117 Redditch Town Centre Strategy pdf icon PDF 206 KB

To consider approving a Town Centre Strategy.


(Report attached – Strategy to follow)




1)         the Town Centre Strategy as detailed in Appendix A to the report be endorsed; and




2)         Officers be instructed to work on projects associated with implementing the Town Centre Strategy


In early 2009 the Council had appointed a number of external consultants to deliver a Town Centre Strategy for Redditch. A report was received by the Committee that set out the priority projects and actions contained within the draft Strategy received from these external consultants. The detail and costs associated with any of the actions listed would be reported to future meetings of the Committee.


Members were generally very much in favour of the proposals contained within this initial report. It was accepted that perceptions of the Town Centre were not altogether positive within the region and the Council and its partners needed to have bold ideas and ambitions if they wished this situation to improve. It was acknowledged that the overall sums of money involved over a number of years would be substantial but many of the Council’s partners shared the Council’s commitment to the aims underpinning the draft Strategy.




1)         the Town Centre Strategy as detailed in Appendix A to the report be endorsed; and




2)         Officers be instructed to work on projects associated with implementing the Town Centre Strategy