Issue - meetings

Schedule of Buildings of Local Interest

Meeting: 01/07/2009 - Executive (Item 40)

40 Schedule of Buildings of Local Interest pdf icon PDF 127 KB

To endorse the revised Schedule of Buildings of Local Interest as part of the evidence base for the Local Development Framework.


(Report attached – Appendix available on the Council’s website, unless a specific request is received from Councillors or others who require a copy)

Additional documents:




the Schedule of Buildings of Local Interest as updated in 2009 be endorsed as a background document to the Borough of Redditch Local Development Framework.


The Committee received an update on the Schedule of Buildings of Local Interest as developed by the Council as a supporting document to the Local Development Framework and Core Strategy Development Plan Document for the Borough.


It was made quite clear that inclusion on the list did not afford any statutory protection to the buildings in question, but it was anticipated that the local listing would have some significance in the development control process.


It was noted that there were two buildings that had been removed from the previous version of the list, one through demolition and the other through a re-appraisal of the age and history of the building in question.




the Schedule of Buildings of Local Interest as updated in 2009 be endorsed as a background document to the Borough of Redditch Local Development Framework.