Issue - meetings

Executive Committee

Meeting: 12/04/2021 - Council (Item 6)

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Green Homes Funding


Members discussed the £280,000 that had been allocated from the national Green Homes Funding Grant to Redditch Borough.  This funding would be used to upgrade the energy efficiency of properties in the Borough that had an EPC rating of E, F or G.  Households at risk of fuel poverty, on means tested benefits or with an income of under £30,000 would be eligible to apply for funding under this scheme.


There was general consensus amongst Members that the funding would have a positive impact on carbon emissions in the Borough.  Questions were raised about the proportion of the grant funding that would be received by the Council for expenditure on Council properties.  Officers confirmed that this information would be provided outside the meeting.


Financial Monitoring Report – Quarter 3 2020/21


The proposals detailed in the report in respect of the Council’s budget position were briefly debated.  Members commented that there had been an underspend in the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) in 2020/21, though this was primarily due to a reduction in the works carried out by the Repairs and Maintenance team during the Covid-19 pandemic for safety reasons.  This work would be delivered at a later date.


During consideration of this item, clarification was requested with respect to the £200,000 that had been allocated to the bridge at Green Lane, Studley.  The Portfolio Holder for Environmental Services explained that the funding had been allocated to negotiations between the Council and Stratford-on-Avon District Council and Warwickshire County Council, which would take time to complete.  Any updates would be reported through the Executive Committee on to Council.


Reference was also briefly made to the hard work of the Financial Services team in respect of the Council’s balanced budget position for 2021/22.  Members extended their thanks in particular to the Head of Financial and Customer Services and the Senior Accounting Technician for their hard work.


Worcestershire Regulatory Services Board – Budget Recommendations 2021/22


Council was informed that the proposals detailed in the minutes from the latest meeting of the Worcestershire Regulatory Services (WRS) Board related to the budget for the service in 2021/22.  Wyre Forest District Council had withdrawn a request for an increase in their fee to host IT services and to provide accommodation to WRS.  Instead, this subject would be debated further by partner organisations in the summer.  This change in position had resulted in a reduction in the budget contributions required from partner authorities towards WRS for 2021/22.




the minutes of the meeting of the Executive Committee held on Tuesday, 23rd March 2021 be approved and all recommendations adopted.