This report is due to be pre-scrutinised at a meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny committee scheduled to take place on 17th March 2022. Any recommendations arising from this meeting will be reported in a supplementary pack for the Executive Committee’s consideration.
Additional documents:
The Principal Solicitor presented the Declaration of Land Surplus to Requirement at Lodge Road/Union Street, Smallwood and Available for Disposal report.
Members were advised that, should the site be declared surplus to requirement, it could be disposed of at market value. This would generate a capital receipt for the Council. This was a small site that had once been used for local amenities. However, in recent years, the site had become rough ground and there had been some issues with fly tipping. Subject to planning permission, a housing development would occur at the site and this would lead to improvements benefiting the local environment.
In proposing the resolution, the Leader and Portfolio Holder for Planning, Economic Development, Commercialism and Partnerships commented that the proposal to dispose of the site would benefit the local community. The fly tipping that had been occurring at the site was not acceptable and would be addressed through development.
the land adjacent to Nos. 140 - 144 Lodge Road, Smallwood, be declared surplus to Council requirements and disposed of at market value.