9 Quarterly Risk Update PDF 817 KB
The Portfolio Holder for Finance and Enabling presented the Quarterly Risk Update for Members’ consideration. The Committee was advised that this was the fourth risk update report to be presented for the Committee’s consideration since risk monitoring reports had been reintroduced at the Council in 2022. The Council had taken a lot of action in this time to address both the corporate and departmental risks that had been identified and as a consequence, the authority’s risk assurance had improved from a limited to a moderate level.
During 2022/23, the number of departmental risks had declined from 119 to 58 by March 2023. The majority of remaining risks related to compliance. The one remaining red flagged risk was in respect of the Revenue and Benefits team’s work, where certain tasks had to be undertaken manually and there was a high volume of work involved.
Corporate risks continued to be monitored by the Council, including by CMT. Many of these corporate risks, such as in respect of cyber security, were likely to remain of concern moving forward.
the present list of Corporate and Departmental Risks be considered and noted.