Issue - meetings

Executive Committee

Meeting: 20/04/2009 - Council (Item 141)

141 Executive Committee pdf icon PDF 107 KB

A.        To formally receive the minutes of the meeting of the Executive Committee held on 2 March 2009.


(All decisions here have previously been fully resolved. There are no outstanding recommendations or referrals which require the Council’s consideration.)


(Minutes circulated in Minute Book 8 2008/09 – to follow)



B.        To receive the minutes and consider the recommendations and/or referrals from the following meeting of the Executive Committee (Decision Notice for 11 March 2009 previously circulated):


11 March 2009


Matters requiring the Council’s consideration include


·        Council Housing – Allocations Policy;

·        Commercial Re-use of Council Information;

·        Service Plans 2009 – 2012; and

·        Environmental Enhancement Programme.


(The final draft of the Service Plans will be made available on the Council’s website via the following link: )


(Minutes circulated in Minute Book 8 2008/09 – to follow)


C.        To receive the Decision Notice and consider the recommendations and/or referrals from the following meeting of the Executive Committee:


1 April 2009


Matters requiring the Council’s consideration include


·                    Corporate Plan 2009 – 2012;

·                    Taxi Licensing Handbook;

·                    Asset Management Strategy 2009 – 2012;

·                    Energy Framework Agreement; and

·                    Preferred Registered Social Landlords Development Partners.


(The final draft of the Corporate Plan will be forwarded to all Members prior to the meeting of Council)


(Decision Notice attached – Corporate Plan 2009 – 2012 to follow)


(Any matters arising, not covered elsewhere in the agenda, will be considered under this heading.)


Confidential matters may be taken after the exclusion of the public, subject to notification at this point in the meeting.

Additional documents:




1)         the minutes of the meeting of the Executive Committee held on 2 March 20009 be received and adopted;


2)         the minutes of the meeting of the Executive Committee held on 11 March 2009 be received and adopted and all recommendations approved, subject to:


in respect of Minute 259 (Environmental Enhancement Programme) it being further RESOLVED that


a transparent set of criteria and scoring mechanisms be developed as to how the parking and Capital Landscape projects are to be identified and carried out.


3)         the decision notice of the meeting of the Executive Committee held on 1 April 2009 be received and all recommendations approved, subject to;


in respect of Minute 278 (Preferred Registered Social Landlords Development Partners) it being further NOTED that


the following Councillors be appointed to the Member Selection Panel:


Councillors Braley, B Clayton, Shurmer (Sub: Chance) and one vacancy (Liberal Democrat)


(A separate sheet was tabled at the meeting detailing a minor change to the recommendations pertaining to the Environmental Enhancement Programme (Minute 259), as one matter had inadvertently been recorded as being resolved by the Executive Committee, in good faith, whereas it should more properly have been a recommendation to Council. During the course of the discussion, the following proposed amendment to Recommendation (formerly Resolution) 2 on the Environmental Enhancement Programme was the subject of a named vote in accordance with Standing Order 16:


“After completion of the already identified project programme and works in Matchborough and Church Hill estates,… added to the start of the recommendation.


Members voting FOR the amendment to the motion:


Councillors Chance, Cookson, Fry, Hartnett, Hunt, R King, W King, Mould, Shurmer, Taylor and Thomas.

(11 votes)


Members voting AGAINST the amendment to the motion:


Councillors Anderson, Braley, Brunner, Chalk, A Clayton, B Clayton, Enderby, Field, Gandy, Hall, Hopkins, MacMillan, Norton, Pearce, Quinney and Smith.

(16 votes)


Member abstaining from voting:




(Prior to consideration of this item, and in accordance with the requirements of Section 81 of the Local Government Act 2000, Councillors Cookson, Hartnett and Pearce declared a personal and prejudicial interest, in view of the fact that they were members of the Board of Redditch Co-operative Homes and Councillor Taylor declared a personal and prejudicial interest, in view of her close personal relationship to an officer of that organisation, and all withdrew from the meeting.)