Issue - meetings

Executive Committee

Meeting: 10/10/2022 - Council (Item 45)

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Council considered recommendations that had been made at meetings of the Executive Committee held on 26th July and 6th September 2022 on the subjects of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and the Budget Framework Finance and Performance Quarter 1 Monitoring Report respectively.


Budget Framework Finance and Performance Quarter 1 Monitoring Report


The recommendations from the Executive Committee on the subject of the Budget Framework Finance and Performance Quarter 1 report were proposed by Councillor Karen Ashley and seconded by Councillor Matthew Dormer.


During consideration of this item, an amendment was proposed by Councillor Joe Baker to the wording of the second recommendation from the Executive Committee.  This amendment, which was seconded by Councillor Sid Khan, was as follows:


The Asset Disposal Strategy is approved for implementation, subject to all disposals being recommended to Council for approval.”


In proposing this amendment, Councillor Baker explained that a lot of matters were determined by the Executive Committee.  However, there were some subjects, particularly those which were important to the community, which he felt needed to be debated by Council and he suggested that this included the disposal of assets.


Consideration was given to this amendment and during the debate in respect of this matter, Officers explained that the disposal of Council assets was an Executive function under relevant legislation.  However, Members’ interest in the subject of asset disposal had been noted and the process for involving more Members in discussions about the disposal of assets could be investigated further.


Reference was made to the extent to which Members could identify the potential for a decision to be taken on the disposal of particular assets.  Members noted that all items due for consideration by the Executive Committee were advertised on the Executive Committee’s Work Programme, copies of which were published every month on the Council’s website.  In addition, the Overview and Scrutiny Committee could identify items from the work programme for pre-scrutiny, including items involving the disposal of assets, and this provided an opportunity for other Councillors to inform the Executive Committee’s deliberations on the subject.


On being put to the vote the amendment was lost.




the minutes of the meetings of the Executive Committee held on 26th July and 6th September 2022 be received and all recommendations adopted.