Issue - meetings

General Fund Revenue Budgets and Capital Bids 2009/10 - 2011/12

Meeting: 06/04/2009 - Council (Item 133)

133 Budget Savings 2009/10 - 2011/12 pdf icon PDF 131 KB

To consider a number of proposals  to address the budget gap following the end of the period of staff and public consultation on a number of options for achieving the required savings.


(Report attached)


Additional documents:


The Council considered a number of proposals designed to address the budget gap following the end of the period of staff and public consultation on a range of options for achieving the required savings.


The Leader introduced a report detailing which of the basket of options that had been the subject of the consultation process were being recommended to continue to receive funding through the revenue budget. The proposed basket of options was tabled at the meeting.


Two of the more significant recommendations put forward saw the management of the Pitcheroak Golf Course and the REDI Centre being transferred to alternative providers. A potential service provider had already been identified for the golf course whereas the management of the REDI Centre would be the subject of a formal procurement process.


A number of further recommendations were highlighted. The provision of Christmas lights, a rat control service and the annual firework display were to remain in the Council’s revenue budget going forward. A decision on the Neighbourhood Groups was to await the outcome of an Overview and Scrutiny review. Proposed car parking charges were now being recommended only for the Town Hall Car Park and Trescott Road Car Park until 6.00 pm at weekends.


During the course of the discussion, the following proposed amendment in respect of Budget Savings 2009/10 to 2011/12, and as detailed in the previously mentioned Notice of Motion, was the subject of a named vote in accordance with Standing Order 16:


‘Following the public consultation on the Council budget for 2009/10,
we move an amendment to the Budget considered by Council on
9 March 2009(should read 23 February 2009). The amendment is as attached.’  (at pages 11-12 of the Council agenda)


Members voting FOR the amendment to the motion:


Councillors Chance, Cookson, Enderby, Fry, Hartnett, Hunt, R King, W King, Mould, Shurmer and Taylor.  (11 votes)


Members voting AGAINST the amendment to the motion:


Councillors Anderson, Braley, Brunner, Chalk, A Clayton, B Clayton, Hopkins, Field, Gandy, Hall, MacMillan, Norton, Pearce, Quinney, Smith and Thomas.

(16 votes)


Members abstaining from voting:




Accordingly, the amendment fell.

Prior to the above named vote being taken, a further amendment to the original motion, which proposed the adoption of a range of further options in respect of revenue and capital bids, was the subject of a second named vote in accordance with Standing Order 16:


Members voting FOR the amendment to the motion:


Councillors Chance, Cookson, Fry, Hartnett, Hunt, R King, W King, Mould, Shurmer and Taylor.  (10 votes)


Members voting AGAINST the amendment to the motion:


Councillors Anderson, Braley, Brunner, Chalk, A Clayton, B Clayton, Hopkins, Field, Gandy, Hall, MacMillan, Norton, Pearce, Quinney, Smith and Thomas.

(16 votes)


Members abstaining from voting:


Councillor Enderby.

(1 vote)


Accordingly, this second amendment to the Motion fell and it was subsequently




1)         the proposals for the General Fund budget for 2009/10 to 2011/12, as set out below, be approved:




£’000  ...  view the full minutes text for item 133