Issue - meetings

Recommissioning of the Promoting Independent Living Service (Home Improvement Agency)

Meeting: 09/07/2024 - Executive (Item 5)

5 Recommissioning of the Promoting Independent Living Service (Home Improvement Agency) pdf icon PDF 316 KB


The Strategic Housing and Business Support Manager presented a report on the subject of the Recommissioning of the Promoting Independent Living Service (Home Improvement Agency) for Members’ consideration.


The Committee was informed that Redditch Borough Council worked with other local authorities in Worcestershire in terms of the delivery of this service at a countywide level.  The existing contract for this service had been reviewed and was going through the procurement process.  The service provided a range of support to eligible customers, with management of disabled facilities grants forming a key feature of the service.  Members were asked to note that the service was only provided to residents who were not Council tenants.


Following the presentation of the report, Members commented on the value of the Home Improvement Agency service to the community.  Reference was made to the tendering process and it was noted that there was no guarantee that the successful bidder would be based in Redditch, although services would be delivered in the Borough. 


Consideration was given to the quality assurance arrangements for this service and Members questioned how the contract was managed and the service was monitored.  Officers explained that there was a contract management group for the service.  In addition, the successful contractor would be required to comply with a range of key performance indicators (KPIs).  Furthermore, the Government had issued guidance two years’ previously which detailed the process for use of disabled facilities grant funding.  Many aspects of this guidance would be incorporated into the contract and the contractor would be obliged to comply with these guidelines from year 2 onwards, as well as to demonstrate that they were working towards compliance in the first year of the contract.




1)          approval be given to recommission the Promoting Independent Living Service;


2)          authority be delegated to the Head of Community and Housing Services, in consultation with the Head of Legal, Democratic and Property Services and following consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Housing to agree the final process, timetable and evaluation model for the appointment of a new contractor to deliver the Home Improvement Agency service; and


3)          to award the contract to the successful provider(s).